…The Boy Scouts Of America
Denied a 17 year-old Eagle Scout status because he’s gay! Here’s the official quote: “He hasn’t lived up to the principle of ‘Duty to God’”, said the Scoutmaster, who wants to be around young boys all the time, often in secluded areas of the woods!
…Bristol Palin
Kicked off Dancing With The Stars “Round of Champions”! Palin says she’s disappointed and asks that everyone please respect her privacy during this difficult time while she tries to figure out what reality show to do next.
…Hulk Hogan
A sex tape featuring the Hulkster hits the web and sadly the answer to, “What you gonna do, when Hulk-a-mania runs all over you?” is “Cringe and get a paper towel!”
In an interview with Oprah, Fergie said crystal meth made her so paranoid she thought the FBI was after her. The FBI called the suggestion “ridiculous” pointing out that making horrible music is not a crime.
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