Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, Jack Frost and the Tooth Fairy as an Avengers-type superhero team? This is without a doubt for me the SECOND least-looked-forward-to movie of the year. (The first is whatever that perv mom from the Samsung-Galaxy commercial put on her husband’s phone.)
Hey Hollywood- stop trying to make Jack Frost happen! He's horrifying!
Pay someone to make original characters! Even my three year old knows this is a cynical attempt to co-opt well known public domain characters you didn’t have to pay rights for and throw them in a movie so you can wring every last bit of Christmas cash out of parents who’d see anything not to have to spend time with their kids! (Or so I’ve heard!)
Hey Hollywood- stop trying to make Jack Frost happen! He's horrifying!
Pay someone to make original characters! Even my three year old knows this is a cynical attempt to co-opt well known public domain characters you didn’t have to pay rights for and throw them in a movie so you can wring every last bit of Christmas cash out of parents who’d see anything not to have to spend time with their kids! (Or so I’ve heard!)