The worst Presidential candidate ever to run in my lifetime is back!
So what new lows of hackery and cynicism lie ahead for us? Already this turd-muffin has taken on the Pope, who by the way, by definition, is Infallible- saying the Pontiff should not talk about climate change, because he is “not a scientist”. Turns out, the Pope has a MA in Chemistry, so He kind of is one! Pope 1, Santorum 0.
Hey, people encouraging Rick Santorum to run for President- stop!
The news isn’t all bad though, in the past a simple google search on Santorum’s name would famously reveal the number one hit to define “Santorum” as “the frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex”. Well, that definition is no longer the first thing associated with Santorum’s name- I guess what I’m saying is- CONGRATULATIONS FROTHY MIXTURE OF LUBE AND FECAL MATTER!
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